Title: Out Of My Mind
Author: Sharon M. Draper
Main Character:
Meggie (5 stars, read multiple times and buy)
This book shared the difficulties of a 10 year old girl with cerebral palsy. Her condition prevents her from walking or talking and she needs someone to feed her and even take her to the bathroom. She can’t hold things either. However, Melody is very smart even if no one understands it. There are so many things Melody wants to say, but she doesn’t know how to, and it’s driving her out of her mind, until she discovers something that allows her to speak. It is a computer called a Medi-talker that she can download phrases to speak on and then press a button to say the phrase. Even though she can finally speak, not everyone is ready to listen to her. It was such a vivid story of her life and explained so much about how it feels to be that different from everyone else.